Hej, dzisiaj porozmawiamy na temat niebezpiecznego składnika występującego w kosmetykach czyli Triclosanie.

Nazwa w INCI : Triclosan

Ogólnodostępne publikacje na temat triclosanu :,niebezpieczny-triclosan,artykul,1708048.html

Pisemnictwo : Adolfsson-Erici M., Petterson M., Parkkonen J., Sturve J. Triclosan, a commonly used bactericide found in human milk and in the aquatic environment in Sweden. Chemosphere, 2002, 46: 1485-1489

Bhargava H.N., Leonard P. A. Triclosan: applications and safety. Am. J. Infect Control.1996, 24: 209-218

Chuanchuen, R., Beinlich K., Hoang T. T., Becher A., Karkhoff-Schweizer R. R., Schweitzer H. P. Cross-resistance between triclosan and antibiotics in Pseudomonas aeruginosa is mediated by multidrug efflux pumps: exposure of a susceptible mutant strain to triclosan selects nfxB mutants overexpressing MexCD-OprJ. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2001, 45: 428-432

Ciba speciality Chemicals. Value beyond chemistry. /

Citizen Petition to the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to Ban Triclosan. (2005)

Davies J. Inactivation of antibiotics and dissemination of resistance genes. Science 1994, 264: 375-382

Durbize E., Vigan M., Puzenat E. Spectrum of cross-photosensitization in 18 consecutive patients with contact photoallergy to ketoprofen: associated photoalergies to non-benzophenone-containing microbes. Contact Dermatitis, 2003, 48: 144-149

Fan F., Yan K., Wallis N. G., Reed S., Moore T. D., Rittenhouse S. F., DeWolf W. E. Jr., Huang J., McDevitt D., Miller W. H., Seefeld M. A., Newlander K. A., Jakas D. R., Head M. S., Payne D. J. Defining and combating the mechanisms of triclosan resistance in clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2002, 46: 3343-3347

FDA. Glossary of Pesticide Chemicals. June 2005

Heath R. J., Li J., Roland G. E., Rock C. O. Inhibition of the Staphylococcus aureus NADPH-dependent enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase by triclosan and hexachlorophene. J. Biol. Chem. 2000, 275: 4654-4659

Hoang T. T., Schweizer H. P. Characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (FabI): a target for the antimicrobial triclosan and its role in acylated homoserine lactone synthesis. J. Bacteriol. 1999, 181: 5489-5497

Jones R. D., Jampani H. B, Newman J. L., Lee A. S. Triclosan: a review of effectiveness and safety in Heath care settings. Am. J. Infect. Control. 2000, 28: 184-196